What is it?

Books Before Bedtime is a literacy program for kids ages 3-7 and their parents. Upon arrival each family receives a book or two (yours to keep!) that will be read aloud. Dads and moms can follow along with their child(ren). Afterward, kids can take a look at a book buffet and choose an extra book to take home.

When is it?

Our next Books Before Bedtime events will take place on December 13 at 7:00pm. You can follow our Facebook page to see updates as the date draws near.

How does it work?

When you arrive, just park in an open spot and head to the south entrance of our school building. You’ll receive the book(s) to be read. Follow along with your child as they are read. After the book is read, head to the book buffet to pick out your free book and then head back home.

What does it cost?

There is no cost to you. Books Before Bedtime is a way in which we are looking to serve a need in our community; and we are happy to provide this opportunity free of charge.

How do I sign up?

Please follow this link to a Google form RSVP and indicate which events you plan to attend. This will help us order a sufficient number of books. We look forward to reading with you!